Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Angry Mad Post
One of my passions is to help those with problems I have struggled with. One of my greatest struggles in life has been my weight and the eating disorders that have accompanied that. One of my friends recently confessed that she is struggling with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. In order to help her, I felt it prudent to research.
So diligently I sat at my computer and typed in "understanding body dysmorphic disorder" into the web browser. Instantly there was a list of resources for me to peruse. After clicking on a few, I was more than disappointed; I was horrified.
These sites, which many rely upon as "resources" to tackle their disorders, felt like it was a good idea to advertise dieting tips, weight loss regimes, weight loss pills, exercise programs, and one advertisement even proclaimed (in call caps no less), "Click here to obtain the perfect body!"
With frustrated tears in my eyes I angrily closed the browser and began to cry softly. Not for myself, but for others who have viewed this atrocity. To know that people with serious problems are exposed to this hypocrisy is saddening, disheartening, and exasperating. They come searching for hope but instead are immediately detracted by the array of defamations on the screen.
I imagine what people's response might be if I were to walk into an AA meeting with a bottle of vodka and began to pass out shots. Not making them take the shot, but putting it in their hand while they are actively pursuing help. I envision that many would get angry, throw me out, perhaps exude some level of violence... and to be honest... I wouldn't blame them. It is arguable that when people with dangerous addictions seek help that they are fighting for their lives, and what I have done is shown a callous disrespect for not only their decision to seek help, but also their well being, their future, and their existence.
I know that many struggle with a variety of eating disorders. This pains me because I know that the issue is not normally about the body, but it seems to be. It is normally a heart and mind issue, something that we are wounded from and are still recovering. If you suffer, I pray that you are able to see past the vanity of the world, to see into your soul, and to find your worth as God intended. If anyone reading this ever needs a listening ear on the matter I am more than willing to listen and lend advice should you want it. This issue hits home for me.
Nobody should feel unloved, especially by themselves.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I hold your hand and I feel secure
I kiss your lips and the world stops moving
I see your heart and I know its where I belong
your friendship is where I take refuge
your arms are the safest place
your laugh opens my eyes to new colors
your touch brings me to life
your whispers chase away my fears
your embrace brings peace to my soul
your breathing matches mine in easy rhythm
the beat of your heart is the beat of my own
pull me close
never let me go
because it's when I'm here
that I know I'm alive
Monday, December 27, 2010
That being said, I also want to point out that not everything on this blog is about me; herein I am referring to the songs that I write. I completely understand that when you read my blogs that are clearly about my life, that then when you read a song I've written you may try and draw a parallel between them.
Please do not do this.
While sometimes my song writing is connected to my heart, often it is just something fun or an idea that popped into my head that I am jotting down. I incorporate my life, other's lives, movies, music, books, and poetry into my writing so it would be quite presumptuous that everything in my writing is about me.
Many of my songs have raised eyebrows and questions and I just want to put them to rest. If you feel like you have a direct issue about something and simply cannot let it go, I would ask that you consult me directly on it. As you know, I do prefer to not talk about what I write here, but understand that sometimes you may feel like something needs to be addressed.
I just wanted to take the time to clarify this issue and will probably occasionally post this as a reminder so that we all stay on the same page. I hope that you enjoy what you read, but understand that this is a personal and creative outlet for me.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
too many fall victim to your lies
you dont think before you speak
you dont know the damage you do
or you do and you just dont care
I've been stuck like glue to you for too long
lettin' it go, adjusting my flow
turnin' that page
watch me go boy, you know you like it
but this time I aint coming back
Wiping my hands clean of you
gettin' that dirt off my shoulder
I'ma smack that look off your face
you'll keep falling but I'll keep thriving
I'm finished with you
You think you're so don juan
but you're more like dirty sanchez
you're so vain you think it's always bout you
didn't you hear that your stuff is to the left?
you're so replacable
Wiping my hands clean of you
gettin' that dirt off my shoulder
I'ma smack that look off your face
you'll keep falling but I'll keep thriving
I'm finished with you
you say I'm the one who was wrong
don't call me a hoe when you're such a rake
mistakes were made and the price was paid
do you want to be the pot or the kettle?
Wiping my hands clean of you
gettin' that dirt off my shoulder
I'ma smack that look off your face
you'll keep falling but I'll keep thriving
I'm finished with you
Hey hey hey
Good bye
I'm finished with you
hey hey hey
Good bye
El fin
Monday, December 13, 2010
A sadness cages my heart. I laugh, and have fun, and for the most part fall into my casual, easy-going demeanor, but I can't deny that there is something hovering in the background. Like a pinched nerve, it doesn't always hurt, but when you move a certain way, it can send incapacitating pain throughout your body.
Maybe in the midst of everything that's been happening I failed to recognize that my heart is broken.
I feel like I have been let down deeply by a friend. When you trust and love someone, you don't expect them to hurt you (stating the obvious), thus making yourself even more vulnerable to the possible blow. After promises have been broken, tears have been shed, and apologies are left unspoken, my heart aches and bleeds. I stood by and watched my friend cut me deeply, and continued to just watch as it got infected and festered. Instead of this friend allowing the wound to heal, they continue to reopen it with their silence and cowardice and now I fear that it will leave a scar.
Perhaps I am being harsh or unreasonable, but if you claim to love somone, how can you uphold a callous attitude toward them when they are clearly hurting? I have reached out multiple times to my friend, trying to reach common ground. I have expressed feeling disrespected, lied to, and hurt, only to be ignored and cast aside. Their apathy for my feelings frustrates and saddens me.
I don't really know where to go from here. Many might say cut your losses and move on, but I love my friend and am unwilling to let that be the outcome. I think part of me hopes that they may read this and be prompted to extend themselves... which is, in and of itself, opening myself up only to be hurt and disappointed yet again.
I believe in fighting for things that you want. I want our friendship. But friendship is a meeting in the middle, and right now I am standing in the middle, confused and aggrieved, hoping, perhaps futilely, that my friend will meet me there.
My friend has left me uninspired.
Monday, November 29, 2010
I'm sorry
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Square One
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Relieved... I think
Still waiting.
How frustrating (haha- that rhymes).
I know that I can't expect everything to snap back into place instantly, but I thought that at the very least I would feel peace, relief, and hope to flood every part of me. That I would be ready to turn the page and start anew; a rebirth, a fresh start.
Then why am I still staring at the same, damn page?
It is not a page of fear or even of cancer... it is this ugly page that has become my life (whoa dramatic)... perhaps even a picture of how I see myself. It's like trying to live a life you've forgotten. I can't clearly remember the cadence of my life prior to August. I know that there was an easy flow, a natural rhythm; a thumping bass that coursed thru my veins. That melody is gone.
But the beat is still in me. I can feel it. It's like an undercurrent pulling me along, supplying the undertones to my life that I am barely aware of. But I can already tell that it is different... the melody... it isn't the same. Not in a bad way, but in the same way that you hear a song that you LOVED in high school, but now realize that maybe wasn't so cool (MMM-Bop, anyone?). Not saying that it wasn't a good song in it's time (well, to be clear, in the case of MMM-Bop, it really never was a good song) but that your tastes have changed.
The melody of my past will always carry a heavy nostalgic quality, but it is not the song of my future. Over the next couple of months, years, or however long it takes, I am looking forward to writing the new song... the new melody of my life.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Cute Dentist Precaution
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Earthly Angels
Friday, October 1, 2010
The Beach
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
One Day at a Time
Within a day... scratch that... HOURS of writing my last blog I felt so deeply encouraged by the Lord. I took a long walk on the beach that night (which, by the way is sorta creepy when you are by yourself at 10 pm) and just listened to the water. I love the sound of the waves crashing. That probably sounds poetically cheesy, but I do love it. I think its mysterious, powerful, and romantic. I stood there alone on the beach, facing the ocean (with the breeze in my hair... book cover in the making, no? But I wasn't in a dress that bared too much cleavage, or ripped up to my thigh, and Fabio wasn't lurking in the background) and I was aware of just a few things, but the main thought was just a simple, "It's ok." Astonishing and profound I know. Between reflecting and furtively looking over my shoulder (STRANGER DANGER) I felt like I was ready to start hearing the encouragement that I knew friends and family were waiting to give me.
And yes, you heard (read?) me correctly- I was ready to hear encouragement. Tuesday I was not in a place for such a thing. Ie when the Hubs so gently tried to lift my spirits I flippin' flipped out on him. God bless him... I can be so terrible sometimes! :) But that's where I was, and if there is one thing you can count on is that I am honest and I will tell you AAAAAALLLLL about it should you not tread so lightly... (maybe that's something I should work on?) Tuesday night I wanted to cry and to be sad and I didn't want to be happy. But by about midnight that night, I was ready.
The next day I had a good conversation with a dear friend from work (PUZZLE PIECE!) and she had some great input. She first reminded me that I have plenty of time, and then she also reminded me that once I have kids, I will have them FOREVER. This fact, stated so succinctly, has clearly been known to me as I don't plan on shucking my kids a few years after I have them, but it got me thinking. With this fresh in my mind, I am still ready to have my family, but instead of longing for the future, have embraced my current freedom. Because, let's face it, once you have kids your life is never the same. Granted, children could quite possibly be the greatest blessing you will ever receive (other than Jesus- don't get all technical on me people!), but your life does change and having kids is not reversible (are you all horrifically scared for my children, now?).
Just one day at a time... that's where I am. Waking up everyday, living in the moment, and trying desperately (and failing sometimes too) to live my life for God.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Carnitas Revisited
The search was on. Turns out when you type "Best carnitas recipe,"" into Google that it pulls up A LOT! But one of them caught my eye and I decided to try it.
4-5 lb. Pork shoulder roast
Dried Thyme, Salt, and Pepper (to taste)
six garlic cloves cut in half
1/2 cup milk
First you want to cut about a dozen small slits into the roast and push the garlic cloves into them. Then rub the roast with the thyme, salt, and pepper. Then it all comes back to the trusty crock pot--- plop that roast right in. Then you just plug in the crock pot, turn it on low, and put some water in the crock pot. How much water depends on the size of crock pot, but put enough in that the roast is at least 3/4 covered in water.
I left for work at this time, so the roast cooked for about 11 hours... but obviously it was probably done way earlier than that, so feel free to cook it for less.
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Remove the roast from the crock pot and discard the fat, and shred the meat- placing all the meat in a roasting pan, or you can use a metal 9 x 11 inch cake pan (that's what I used- my roasting pan is SO HUGE and I don't really care to work with it much). Drizzle the meat with the 1/2 cup milk and stir meat so that it all gets coated and place in the preheated oven.
Now, get a sauce pan and strain the remaining juices from the crockpot into the sauce pan. Bring the liquid to a boil. The recipe stated to reduce it down to about 2 cups (this will take a varied amount of time, depending on how much water you added, but probably about 45 minutes). I ended up reducing mine to probably about 1 cup, and it made it a bit thicker, which I liked. This will be poured over the meat at a later time. Feel free to skim off any extra fat that might form during the reduction process.
Every 10 minutes or so check the meat and give it a stir. You will keep cooking it until the meat is lightly browned and no milk is on the bottom of the pan. When you stir it, be sure to stir in the drippings that are sticking to the bottom of the pan- they are loaded with flavor. This process takes about 40 - 60 minutes, depending on your pan and oven. If you find that your oven tends to cook fast or hot, then adjust the temperature a little lower, you want it to brown slowly.
After the meat is browned, and your reduction is ready, drizzle about 1 cup of the reduction over the meat, stir, and place back into the oven to cook for about 15 more minutes, checking and stirring at around 10 minutes.
When it's done it should be nice and brown, with some edges being a bit crispy. Serve with your fave taco toppings (fresh chopped onion, tomato, cilantro, avocado, cheese, sour cream, etc.) on a corn tortilla and you've got yourself a DELISH dinner.
This recipe was INCREDIBLE and it is so worth the extra time to cook it. What I loved about this recipe was that as long as you had the milk then it didn't really require any extra ingredients since you just use the juice from the crockpot. The meat is still tender and juicy, but with some of the crispy edges... wow... tastebuds rejoice. Just remember not to rush it, that is the key to this one I think. With a little patience it is easily duplicatable (not sure that's a word!).
Until next time- cook on cookin' cuppies!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Pork Carnitas!

Whenever I wanted GOOOOOOD pork carnitas tacos I felt like I had to go out--- NOT ANYMORE!!! As I said in the corned beef entry, I was going to make good use of my crockpot. Weeellllllll... I went to Stater Bros. (who have the best priced meat!) and picked up a pound of pork shoulder strips (99 cents a pound baby!). So I rub them with pressed garlic and then plopped them into the crockpot with about a cup of salsa(my homemade "Holl-sa", my friend dubbed it). I turned the crockpot on high for two hours and then switched it to low for another two hours. Then I removed the pork, shredded it, and PRESTO- I had pork carnitas!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Speed Bump Revisited
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Corned Beef Brisket ma' laddies
No--- I am not Irish--- but in honor of St. Patrick's Day and seeing as I have NEVER eaten any of the "traditional" Irish dishes I have decided to make corned beef and cabbage... well and potatoes and onion and carrots... everything else that goes in the crock pot. Read on for the recipe...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Linguine Carbonara

- 4 ounces uncooked linguine
- 1/2 cup 1% low-fat milk
- 3 tablespoons grated fresh Parmesan cheese
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- Cooking spray
- 1/3 cup chopped pancetta (about 1 1/2 ounces)
- 1/4 cup finely chopped onion
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1 large egg
1. Cook pasta according to the package directions, omitting salt and fat. Drain pasta in a colander over a bowl, reserving 1/4 cup cooking liquid.
2. Combine milk and next 4 ingredients (through pepper) in a small bowl; set milk mixture aside.
3. Heat a medium nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Add pancetta to pan; sauté 3 minutes or until lightly browned. Add onion and garlic to pan; sauté 3 minutes or until onion is lightly browned. Reduce heat to medium-low. Add milk mixture and pasta to pan; toss gently to coat.
4. Place egg in a small bowl; stir with a whisk. Gradually add 1/4 cup reserved hot cooking liquid, stirring constantly with a whisk. Gradually add egg mixture to pan, stirring constantly; cook 4 minutes or until sauce is thick and creamy.
This recipe is a MUST TRY!!! It is so tasty and fairly easy to make too. The pancetta is really good, but can be a bit spendy so regular bacon, prosciutto, or something similar can be used in its place if desired. The pancetta is really the only pricey thing about this recipe tho, so if you can spare it, I wouldn't substitute it out.
The above recipe is for two servings and is only 387 calories per serving! It is filling and with a salad it is more than enough food- even for my boo which you guys know can EAT!!!!
Love you all--- keep on cookin' cuppies!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Send it Up
- visiting a friend in Santa Barbara
- leader's meeting for church
- deep clean the garage
- church (Meal together week- YUM!)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Beyond the Mask
Saturday, February 27, 2010

I found this recipe on and before you shrug it off because it came from a health food website, I would REALLY urge you to try it. I was more than a little surprised by how much flavor these little guys could pack, all the while not breaking the bank or your scale.
- 1 (10-ounce) package fresh spinach, coarsely chopped
- 1/3 cup (about 1 1/2 ounces) feta cheese, crumbled
- 1/4 cup 1% low-fat cottage cheese
- 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
- 2 teaspoons olive oil
- 1 1/2 cups chopped green onions
- 1 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh or 1 1/2 teaspoons dried dill
- 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
- 2 large egg whites, lightly beaten
REMAINING INGREDIENTS:- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 large egg white
- 5 sheets frozen phyllo dough, thawed
Preheat oven to 350°.
To prepare filling, place spinach in a large skillet or Dutch oven. Place over medium heat; cook until spinach wilts. Place the spinach mixture in a colander, pressing until barely moist. Combine the spinach and cheeses in a bowl; set aside.
Heat 2 teaspoons olive oil in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the green onions; sauté for 2 minutes or until soft. Stir the green onions and the next 5 ingredients (green onions through 2 egg whites) into spinach mixture.
Combine 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1 egg white in a small bowl, stirring with a whisk. Working with 1 phyllo sheet at a time, cut each sheet lengthwise into 4 (3 1/2-inch-wide) strips; lightly brush phyllo sheet with egg mixture (cover the remaining phyllo dough to keep it from drying). Spoon about 1 tablespoon spinach mixture onto one end of each strip. Fold one corner of the opposite end over mixture, forming a triangle; keep folding back and forth into a triangle to the end of strip.
Place triangles, seam sides down, on a baking sheet. Bake at 350° for 20 minutes or until golden.
The prep work is a bit time consuming but when you are done it is so worth it. So worth it, in fact, that I plan on making them for a dinner party sometime- I want EVERYONE to get to try these little things. A few notes--- Puff Pastry and Phyllo dough are DIFFERENT THINGS. I made the mistake and came home with puff pastry, quickly realized that it wasn't what I needed and had to go back to the store (I DESPISE going back to the store!). Take your time wrapping them up and SERIOUSLY cover the phyllo dough like it says- they aren't BSing that it dries out pretty fast. I think that's about it --- but seriously try it. It is a bit more challenging than the other recipes I have posted thus far, but they are oh-so-delish.
See ya chefs!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Filet Mignon with Cabernet Balsamic Sauce
- 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- 1/4 cup red onion, minced
- 1 tablespoon garlic, minced
- 1 cup Cabernet Sauvignon
- 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
In a medium sauce pan over medium heat, add extra-virgin olive oil and onions and lightly saute until onions are caramelized. Add garlic and cook until garlic begins to turn brown. Deglaze with wine and balsamic vinegar. Add sugar and let simmer and reduce for 20 to 30 minutes until mixture reduces to 3/4 cup. Strain wine mixture and return to heat to reduce for 5 more minutes or until thick syrup is created. Serve with the steaks.
Filet Mignon:
Heat a saute pan on medium-high and coat lightly with nonstick spray and preheat the oven to 350 degrees.Rub both sides of the steaks with salt and pepper to your taste. Sear the steaks for about 2 minutes on each side, and then place in the oven (in an oven safe dish obviously). We left it in the oven for about 8 minutes which made it medium-rare.
We were very pleased with the way that the steaks and sauce came out. The sauce is very flavorful but does not overpower the taste of the good steak, and really blends the two nicely together. We also drank red wine with dinner so it was a delicious combo! I do realize that all my readers are not beef eaters, so I will tell you that I do not recommend this sauce to go on other meats. On fish it would be so gross, and you might be able to pull it off on a pork dish, but it is nothing that I would try. On a buffalo steak or something it would probably be ok, but like I said... probably best just to skip it if you aren't all that into beef.
I did make lobster, but I plan on at some point making a whole lobster and posting that experience on here, so I will save that for another date. Please try it and let me know what you think- I am eager to hear feed back.
Keep on cookin' cuppies!