Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Before I continue to write today's blog, I want to add a preface... probably a preface that will seem unfair to some of my readers.

I write this blog as openly and honestly as I can; revealing corners of my heart which rarely see the light of day. In writing it I am aware that I invite you all into my personal life. Here is my request: Please do not talk to me about what you read here. Please feel free to comment as you wish, but understand that sometimes what I write here, is difficult for me to talk about, and that is why I write. Writing comes as easily and naturally to me as breathing, and therefore when my life takes a tumultuous turn, I quickly turn to writing as an outlet.

I do apologize if this offends anyone because that is not my intention. I merely say it to guard my heart, and to perhaps save you from a rather uncomfortable conversation that may dissolve me into tears and snot. :) Onto the blog...

Mourning... everyone does it differently.

This past week we got some of the best news we could ask for; Billy's chemotherapy has been very successful and the cancer is being eradicated from his body. Billy had a follow-up appointment with the doctor to discuss what exactly this meant as far as the rest of his treatment went, and he will finish his chemo but then will most likely go into remission. I was elated, and then Billy told me something else that his doctor said.

I had asked Billy to see when we would be able to start trying for kids again, trusting that he won't be infertile, and the doctor said that ideally we should wait a year from the end of his chemotherapy... so November 2011 we can start trying.

I was crushed.

Many of you don't know that I have been yearning to be a mom for the past two years, and just last November Billy told me that we could start trying. Then in March he was diagnosed with cancer and all baby plans were put on hold. I know to read this, unless you have been in my place, my situation seems small and insignificant.

Has your heart ever been so focused on something that everything else seemed like an unnecessary distraction? That is what mommy-hood means to me. To convey what I'm feeling, would be to convey a broken heart. I feel crushed, downtrodden, and so frustrated. I feel like I am standing on a cliff face, staring down at my future, and there is no way to reach it. Just standing there, utterly bewildered at how I am ever going to get there.

The other part of a broken heart is that incredible sense of loss. Physically I never had anything to lose, but I did lose the vision of me holding my baby next fall, celebrating my baby's first holiday season... These are the things I mourn. I mourn for my aching heart that is so resolutely living in my future.

So I cry... that's how I mourn. I don't get angry, I just feel sad. And eventually the peace and truth of God will wash over me and I will accept that my life is exactly where God wants it to be right now. So you see, in my mourning my faith is not lost... I know that my God is a good God. He has a plan for my future, has perfect timing, and loves me more than I will ever know. Right now I pray, and cry, and pray, and cry some more, all the time knowing that God is moving, and that God fulfills his promises.

One day, one perfect day, I will be with my children and I will understand why it was necessary for me to be in this place at this time.

And on that perfect day, God is going to teach me to base jump and I will jump off that cliff and plummet into my future.


  1. Holly, I won't say that I completely understand, but I will say I can relate - first with the "write what's on my heart, but don't talk about it." LOL. Words are my friends, my comfort. Thank you so much for sharing your deepest places of your heart. I appreciate your honesty.

    The death or the postponement of a dream is worth mourning for. I know that personally. Your heart is set on something that seems so right and then it's snatched away and you're asked to wait. Maybe indefinitely. Mourning within your faith is completely acceptable.

    I am praying for you guys!! You will be a great mother, Holly. Looking forward to celebrating God's unending faithfulness to you at that time!!

    Love you guys!!

  2. This is amazing Holly. I do the same thing on my blog, I can't talk about my miscarriages but I can write about them...its easier for some reason.

    I'm so sorry about the loss of your dream. I have lost my dream twice and it hurts so bad, and now on the other side I CAN see God's hand at work and I can see His purpose. It's so hard to see it in the middle, but in the middle is when he stretches us and grows us and PREPARES us for our future. Somehow this time is preparing you to be a better wife and mother.

    I love you and am praying for ya'll and am thrilled to hear that Billy's treatment is working. But I mourn with you.

  3. My tears are full of sorrow as well as joy. The spectrum is wide in your home. Lord, please turn Holly's mourning into dancing. Please bring Your dream for her and in the process may you be glorified. Thank you for Billy & Holly's immense faith in You and love for You. Please return answered prayers like lightning bolts to them now. Amen.

  4. Oh Holly!!! My heart is heavy for you right now. I can't completely understand what you and Billy are going through. The mother-hood part I completely understand. I know I will become a mother when it is the right time if that is God's future for me. All the feelings you have are completely understandable. I myself struggle the most when everyone around me younger and older are having children and I am left with nothing. Don't feel bad for those feelings they are valid and you will someday have that exact joy. I am praying for you both. Love you girl!! ~Taneha

  5. Thank you all so much for your love and support- it means so much to me to have friends and family who care so deeply, and war on my behalf in their prayers. Let me tell you, they are felt! Even in this short week from finding out, the Lord has delivered me amazing peace and joy and has allowed me, as only the Lord can, to handle the situation with more grace than I thought possible. Love you all!
